Tuesday, July 8, 2014

7 Apps for Teacher Productivity

As summer break has reached its halfway point for most of us, it is very hard to believe that in four or five short weeks we will once again begin writing lesson plans, communicating with parents, and adding things to our ever growing to-do lists. My desk at school is typically covered from head to toe in post-it notes with reminders of everything I need to do, people I need to call, or things I need to plan... the list can go on and on. To (hopefully) make my life a little easier this coming school year, the list below is of several apps that I am going to begin using to help keep me organized.  Some of the apps, such as Remind 101 and StickPick, I have used in the past, but added them to the list in case you have not tried them. Each app name is hyperlinked to the Apple app store for easy purchasing and downloading. Also, if you would like to save this list for future reference click here. Have a great last few weeks of summer!

Doc Scan - Scanner to Scan PDF, Print, Fax, (1).png
Scans all documents, even pages with curls, creating a pdf. Add drawing and enter text notes. After scanned document becomes a pdf it and can be placed within a folder. Easily share pdfs through Facebook, Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, and many more. Free and paid versions.
Confer on the App Store on iTunes (1).png
Note-taking app for teachers. Take notes about students in math, reading, and writing in a small group or individual setting. Quickly create flexible small groups by sorting students based on notes taken. All data can be uploaded to your Google Drive account as a spreadsheet. Free and paid versions.
WorkCam - Keep your Work and Personal photos.png
This app helps keep your personal and professional photos separate. While at work or school, take pictures through this app and the pictures will automatically back up to your Google Drive or Dropbox account - instead of your camera roll. Photos can also be organized automatically sorted into folders. If you forget to use WorkCam, photos can be imported from your camera roll.
Easy Behavior Tracker for Teachers on the App.png
Record positive and negative student behavior, view reports of student behavior, contact parent’s immediately through email, sms, or phone call directly from the app. Several classes can be added within the app for teachers with multiple class periods. Class history can be exported  to save or print reports.
Teacher's Professional Development Log on the.png
Enter professional development, who it was conducted by, and how many hours you have logged. This app will keep a running total of your hours logged and will display how many more hours you need.
Remind: Safe Classroom Communication on the.png
Communicate with students and parents through texting messages, photos, or documents. All phone numbers are private and messages are one-way - replies are not possible. If you have used Remind101 in the past, you will want to check out all of the incredible updates to the new Remind.
Stick Pick on the App Store on iTunes.png
Randomly choose a student and use question starters during classroom discussions. A question stem mode can be utilized in which questions are based on Bloom’s, Bloom’s Revised, ESL, or no stem. Classroom discussions can easily be differentiated by linking question stems and difficulty based on student needs. Track and assess student answers by rating student answer. Multiple classes can be created in this app. Small groups can also be made with question stems assigned, allowing students to work independently asking and rating each other’s questions.

1 comment:

  1. Good set of tools being defined here. Teachers are the real producers of new legendary characters. And in today's contemporary world, its quite obvious to have the applications in a respective approach to move ahead with. I am quite impressed with the set of tools being defined here and would like to add one more tool as well, the cloud based task management software and applications from Replicon which is hassle free and is featured with the user friendly and calendar based interface that makes it an intuitive tool to work with.
