Thursday, August 29, 2013

Storyline Online

Storyline Online is one of my student's and my favorite websites. This is perfect for a listening center, technology center, or a whole group time-filler on the class interactive whiteboard. The Screen Actor's Guild Foundation hosts this website with videos of real actor's reading famous children's books. Each retelling includes illustrations and animations, along with discussion questions and a downloadable activity guide. Storyline Online also has a channel on School Tube where the books can be viewed. Below is the introduction video from School Tube. Check it out!

Monday, August 26, 2013

AbcYa + Spelling Words = Excitement!

Looking for a way to spice up your student's spelling practice and provide typing practice?? Look no further! AbcYa has been one of my favorite (free) websites for a long time. Throughout this amazing site, there are SEVEN different ways in which your students can practice typing and reading spelling, high-frequency, and vocabulary words. They are:
  1. Magnets: Students are shown a blank refrigerator door. A magnetic alphabet can be moved one letter at time onto the refrigerator to spell tons of words!
  2. Word Search Creator Jr.: Perfect for grades K - 1 as the instructions are read to the students throughout the creation of the word search. Preferences such as naming the puzzle, choice of upper or lowercase letters, size of board, and print out or play on the computer are included in setting up the puzzle. Allows for up to 10 spelling words to be entered.
  3. Word Search: Exact same set up as the Jr. version, however instructions are not read, and up to 15 words can be entered. Suggested for grades 2 - 5.
  4. WordClouds: Word clouds are awesome! Students can type in spelling words, arrange the cloud, and print out as a way to take words home with them to practice!
  5. Crossword Puzzle Maker Jr.: Create a puzzle by typing your own words in, OR by copying and pasting words from a Google Doc or MS Word Doc (super cool!!!). Once 5 - 10 words are typed in, students write clues for the words.
  6. Crossword Puzzle Maker: Same set up as the Jr. version. This however allows 10 - 20 words to be used. Print out or play on the computer after creation!
  7. Friendly Letter Maker: Grades 3 - 5. We all love to write letters. How about writing a letter that must include spelling words? Letters could be printed out, shared with others in the class who are asked to locate spelling words within the letter.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Communication101... Meet Remind101

Have you heard of or are you using Remind101?? Remind101 is a powerful tool that allows teachers to communicate with parents, students, sports teams, pretty much anyone via text message without ever exchanging phone numbers. Text messages can be sent to registered phone numbers through either the Remind101 website, Android device app, or iOS devices app. Reminders such as when homework is due, test tomorrow, science fair project due in a week, can be instantly sent right to the devices people use constantly! One of the best parts... it is FREE! To begin using Remind101, set up a free account through the website or app. After setup, your group will be assigned a phone number and message for you to give to anyone whom you would like in your group. These individuals will simply text the phone number the code, and voila! they will be added to your list. You will not be able to see their phone number, they will not see yours.

Four basics about Remind101:
  1. Manage up to 10 different groups/classes
  2. Messages can be seen as a text or email
  3. Schedule messages to be sent at a later date or time
  4. View the history to view when messages were sent and to how many
View the Remind101 blog for 25+ ways to use with parents and students

Saturday, August 24, 2013


One of my new favorite sites for student creation and collaboration is ThingLink. ThingLink is a free site and iOS app in which you select a picture to upload from your computer, import from Facebook or Flickr, or from a web URL. Images come to life as you and others can "touch" the image, adding comments, videos, links, and more to the image. In the spirit of Instagram and Flickr, others can follow you on ThingLink as well. What an incredible tool for students to collaborate by sharing research on a topic, or for teachers to network in sharing their professional ThingLinks. My first creation on ThingLink is a resource for my first grade cubs to use in researching the needs and lifecycle of Apple Trees. Feel free to touch the image and add a comment or link! :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Pete the Cat does VoiceThread

VoiceThread is an incredible collaboration tool for students of all ages. I plan to use VoiceThread in many different ways this year with my first graders. However, before I can turn them loose independently with VoiceThread they must be taught how to correctly use the program, as well as appropriately discuss within a thread. After reading many Pete the Cat books this week, I decided to practice using VoiceThread with the entire class. The kids were so excited and caught on so quickly. For our first experience, the students used the VoiceThread app on the iPad and simply passed the iPad around the circle taking turns recording their thoughts. This worked very well as they were each able to listen to what they said and either save or discard after their recording. After listening to our class VoiceThread, feel free to add your own response about Pete the Cat!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome to my new blog!

Wow, I am super excited! For a while I have had the desire to begin a blog designed for teachers. Honey Bunch Blog Design did an INCREDIBLE job and I am so thankful my Google search took me to them! :) My goal for this blog is to act as a resource for teachers in locating helpful websites, blogs, and ideas as they transform their lessons and entire classrooms into 21st century learning environments. Check back often to view projects and activities that my wonderful first grader cubs complete in my classroom.  Thanks again Honey Bunch for helping me reach one of my professional goals!