Thursday, January 23, 2014

QR-azy Numbers and Operations in Base Ten

My students LOVE using QR codes to practice math skills. So far when I have used QR codes it has been in a hunt around the room. Although the students have enjoyed rooming the room with the iPads, there has been more preparation involved then I would like to spend on one lesson. Soo... I decided to try something new... folder packets of QR code activities. I love them! I created six activities that cover CCSS Numbers and Operations in Base Ten each with a student direction page, 12 question QR codes, 12 answer QR codes, and one recording sheet. Each activity fits into it's own folder so that students can choose which folder they would like to work from, or I can place one folder a week in a math center.
So how does it work? Good question. Students will first scan each question code with the iPad (or other device with a QR reader). Next, they record their answers on the recording sheet. After all questions have been answered, students scan each answer code to check their work. They will "grade" each answer by coloring in the happy face for correct answers, and sad face for incorrect answers.
Here are a few sample pages...

If you would like to see a larger sampling of the activities, or would like to purchase, click on the link below to view in my TpT store. I hope your students are as engaged in these activities as mine have been!

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