21st Century Education

What is 21st Century Education?
If you are anything like me, you have asked yourself questions such as: What is 21st Century Education? What does it look like? What tools are needed to create this kind of learning atmosphere? Does this mean I have to use iPads for 1:1, or maybe I need to require students to BYOD, or maybe I have to transform my entire classroom into a Project-Based Learning atmosphere... and so on. I am quickly learning that 21st century education does not mean I have to use just one of the above strategies. Instead it is a combination of these things, and so much more. 21st century education is also about the transition from teacher-directed learning, to self-directed learning. It is the transition to teachers as the facilitator, and not just the instructor. It is true technology integration through TPACK. It is teaching students through 21st century skills so that they can compete in their future workplace. The video below provides an inspirational view of teaching and learning in the 21st century.

The 4C's
Communication.... Collaboration... Critical Thinking... Creativity...
As the world we live in constantly changes, teaching and learning must change to fully prepare students for the future workplace. To prepare all students to compete in a global society they must be taught the needed skills. These skills are known as the 4C's of 21st Century Education: Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity.  
Technology Integration in the 21st Century
Integrating technology in the 21st century classroom goes so much farther than requiring students to use computers and 1:1 devices for skill and drill practices. Is this important... YES! However, in leading students to communicate, collaborate, create, and use critical thinking skills, educators may consider applying the principles of TPACK. The TPACK framework identifies technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge that teachers need in order to weave all three parts successfully into their classroom. "The TPACK approach goes beyond seeing these three knowledge basis in isolation" (TPACK) . Before 21st century skills were within every strand of the Common Core standards and as technology was introduced in education, many teachers placed computer games in their daily routine either for a time filler or to simply say they are using technology. True technology integration requires teachers to first look at their pedagogical and content knowledge needs and then decide what technologies can be used to fulfill those needs within teaching and learning. By Answering these questions when planning teaching and learning, you will be on the right path to using TPACK to guide technology integration for the 21st Century.
  1. What methods, instructional and learning theories are needed for this unit, lesson, activity? For example, should students recognize, recall, analyze, reflect, apply, create, understand, or evaluate? (Pedagogy)
  2. Which standards and objectives are the focus of this unit, lesson, or activity? (Content Knowledge)
  3. What technologies can be used to effectively use the methods/theories to guide students towards understanding and mastery of the standards/objectives? (Technology)

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